Face & Body Show in San Francisco
Face & Body was a huge success! We performed over 150 mini-Reiki treatments on show attendees and they loved it! This is my favorite show of the year and where I launched my Mood Bar for the first time in 2003.

My presentation on Healing the Chakras using Reiki, Color and Stones was well received. Here is a pic they captured of Bertaut Reiki grads performing treatments on audience participants. Pictured from L - R: Dr. Paulina Van, Rosemary Popovich, Rhoda Keith
I want to extend a special thanks to the following Bertaut Reiki graduates for their time and healing hands at the show:
- David Guerra
- Gwendolyn Eyike
- Rosemary Popovich
- Katy Picon
- Tonia Weakland
- Paulina Van
- Ellen Mary Casteneda
- Rhoda Keith
- Lei Morita
- Shannon Twomey
- Marlyse Missombe
Bertaut Reiki grads performing Mini-Reiki treatments on show attendees.
Serving Mood-tinis at the Mood Bar and explaining how the elixirs and Mood Mists do their magic to improve your mood and outlook.
Demonstrating to show attendees at the Mood Bar