Come to your Senses with Reiki Rejuvenation Treatments
Balancing body, mind and spirit takes on new life with treatments specifically designed to reduce stress and anxiety by quieting mental chatter and calming the emotions so that your clients feel more at peace and experience more A-ha moments.
This class provides you with a new category of treatment and products to infuse into your current business. Beyond facials, you can bring clients in on a weekly basis and provide home-care products that will support balance and well-being.
Learn everything you need to know to start offering this service in your spa.
You will receive:
1. Hands-on training for the 30-minute Reiki Rejuvenation Treatment.
2. Protocol for a 30-minute "non-facial" that can also be incorporated into one of your existing facials.
3. Ways to incorporate "EnergyCeuticals" into your treatments.
4. Language to use in your menu of services.
5. Ways to speak about and promote these treatments.
6. Tips for creating a healing ambiance for your spa.
* Pre-requisite: Bertaut Reiki 1
Click here to check for class dates
Price $125 - Includes hands-on training, treatment protocols and certificate.
To register call or email Linda Bertaut - 626-405-0424 or

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