Image & Essence
Stay at home mom, Corey wanted to go back to work..

You don't have to change who you are...only your perspective about who you are and then match the outside to what's inside.
The magic is within you. Knowing and being true to yourself is your most rewarding journey in life. If you:
- feel like you are operating on auto-pilot.
- conform to your environment in order to fit in.
- take care of others before considering your needs.
- don't feel a strong sense of identity and purpose.
- say "yes" when you really mean "no."
then this class is for you.
Join Linda as she shares one of her gifts, helping others to discover and reveal their true self and life passion. Known as an "Identity Expert," with a laser- like ability to get to the core of one's essence, she leads you to a better understanding of yourself and others.
In this class we will:
- Design your image template
- Reveal your Chakra Personality type & access modes
- Experience how to connect to intuition at will
- Discover how to be true to yourself in all areas of life
This class only happens 1 - 2 times a year. Sign up now and discover things you never knew about yourself...
When: Sunday, January 28 in San Ramon, 2007 10 AM - 6 PM or
Sunday, March 4 in Pasadena, 2007 10 AM - 6 PM
Cost: $195 includes lunch and your personality profile.
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Read the stories of our three make-overs in "Your Image is Your Business":
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